What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)?

It is the treatment that you carry out inside a hyperbaric chamber; breathing a high concentration of oxygen at a pressure higher than normal. Causing positive physiological effects in all your cells.

Our chambers work at 1.3 atmospheres of pressure; you will benefit from the same physiological effects as with other cameras without running any kind of risk. Maximum pressure allowed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for private use.

HBOT at Home

Can you have a low pressure hyperbaric chamber at home?

Hyperbaric Therapy has already won over celebrities, athletes, and thousands of ordinary people and their families, who seek to improve their health, well-being, and take their healthy lifestyle to a whole new level. Hyperbaric therapy (HBOT) can now perfectly be at home.

OxyHealth provides portable hyperbaric chambers so you can undergo sessions whenever you want, without the hassle of going to a clinic. Our cameras are soft-shell, which makes them much easier to install, move or travel than other hard cameras on the market. OxyHealth is at the forefront of the hyperbaric home wellness revolution, helping you improve the quality of your life.

Home hyperbaric therapy maintains a mild but effective atmospheric pressure of 1.3 ATA, while higher pressures and with medicinal added oxygen should be used under the supervision of a physician in a medical setting. Only up to 1.3 ATA's of pressure is allowed to have in the home.

There are countless reports on the benefits that HBOT causes in your body and mind, among others it relieves certain aches and pains, is relaxing and even has anti-aging properties. Whether you use it alone, with your partner or with your children, OxyHealth has a wide range of HBOT cameras for the home, in different sizes.

The chamber is made up of: the chamber itself with two zippers at the top and a pressure gauge, a compressor that will inflate the chamber to a pressure of 1.3 automatically, and as an option an O2 concentrator that will provide you with 90% oxygen through a mask. You can use it without the need for help, you only have to turn on the equipment before entering and once inside, close two zippers. It is a simple task and above all without risks.

Our low pressure chambers are non-medical devices that you can safely use at home, whenever you want. Either to relax, recover after training, for general well-being or simply to increase your oxygen levels with all the benefits that this entails. No risks, negative side effects, or toxicity. If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us, it will be a pleasure to help you.


Why use a hyperbaric chamber?

Low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a non-medical treatment that will bring you countless benefits by increasing the volume of oxygen in the blood.


Athletes use our chambers to:

This treatment allows the body to have the necessary oxygen essential for the synthesis of ATP to obtain energy and eliminate lactic acid that causes muscle fatigue. In this way, performance increases, and recovery is faster after each workout.

Increased delivery of oxygen to the brain facilitates brain function and improves the athlete's ability to make split-second decisions that could make a difference in the outcome of a game. A sports injury can be especially devastating, with athletes often re-injured or worsening their conditions by attempting to return to full activity before their bodies have fully recovered. This is why many elite practitioners have turned to low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy to speed recovery without adverse effects.

Inflammation and pain play a critical role in recovery, hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to significantly alleviate them.

Hyperbaric therapy is carried out within a pressurized sealed chamber that compresses the oxygen molecules, which allows a greater absorption of oxygen by the blood plasma and has even shown the growth of new capillaries and blood vessels, which makes oxygen reach more parts of the body generating significant hyperoxia, and hence its effects.

More than 1000 of the best athletes in the world have already incorporated our hyperbaric chamber into their daily recovery routine from the comfort of their home.


The aesthetic clinics that perform treatments with our chambers inform us that it helps them by promoting the activation of collagen, thus fighting the signs of aging, reducing damage to the skin and maintaining elasticity, stimulating epithelialization and reducing the formation of scars.

Researchers from Tel Aviv University have shown that hyperbaric oxygen treatment can reverse the aging process.

A new study from Tel Aviv University (TAU) and Shamir Medical Center in Israel indicates that hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT) treatments in healthy aging adults can stop the aging of blood cells and reverse the aging process. In the biological sense, adult blood cells actually get younger as treatments progress, according to the study published in the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences.

The researchers found that a unique protocol of high pressure oxygen treatments in a pressure chamber can reverse two main processes associated with aging and its diseases: the shortening of telomeres (protective regions located at both ends of each chromosome) and the accumulation of age. and malfunctioning cells in the body. Focusing on immune cells containing DNA obtained from the participants' blood, the study found an elongation of up to 38% of telomeres, as well as a decrease of up to 37% in the presence of senescent cells.

More information about the study


Due to current living conditions (stress, alcohol pollution, tobacco, poor diet, etc.), our cells do not receive the necessary supply of oxygen and nutrients.

This translates into signs of aging, more tiredness, low defenses, loss of sleep, weakness in the face of diseases and lack of energy, symptoms that we usually try to solve only with medication, diet and sports.

Thanks to the great contribution of oxygen that hyperbaric oxygen therapy gives us to the tissues, we help all the organs of the body receive the supply they need, thus giving greater well-being, improvements in sleep, decreased stress, increased concentration and memory and therefore an important improvement in the quality of life. (highly recommended for older people).

HBOT with sleep

Many hyperbaric chamber therapy users report positive improvements in falling asleep, fewer wakes at night, and a better feeling when waking up in the morning. This could be due to the relaxing effect that hyperbaric therapy provides, and the help of reducing muscle tension, fatigue, and stress that occur during the chamber session. Similar to meditation, users of hyperbaric therapy recommend that it helps focus the mind and relax the body, helping you improve your day by paving the way for a good night's sleep.

Our cameras are used as a natural, complementary treatment without side effects.

In the International Hyperbaric Association you can find more info:

THE POWER OF OXYGEN enhances the capabilities of your body and mind, improving the quality of your life.

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